Wednesday, May 28, 2003
The big green meadow at the beginning of Wolf Lodge Road was a lush green carpet peppered with the pale blue blossoms of camus. Stopped to shoot a picture.
On an impulse took the Alder Creek Road and followed to where it intersects with the east end of Marie Creek Rd. #413 . Never been here before. Left car at intersection. 8:59 AM . Began walking 413 toward Marie Creek Saddle. An buried optic cable follows this road and there are warning signs every few yards.
9:53 An unnumbered trail, former logging road, goes down toward a stream which can be heard below. I stop at the tank trap, not giving in to the temptation to go down to the water.
10:09 An envelope of lethargy which had surrounded me begins to evaporate. My body grows lighter and faint pangs of hunger rise. I'm able to move faster and more comfortably.
10:26 Found a side road and walked a few yards down.
10:28 A trail leads down from the side road to a make shift camp site. Some one has arranged a log and sticks to suggest the idea of a shelter. The camp site is unusually clean, but there is a strong odor of alcohol. The trail leads down past the campsite, fades here and there and traces out toward a road below.
10:41. Back up to side road.
10:45 Side road dead ends. Tobacco can lid lies on stump.
10:59 Back up to 413. Here where the side road connects with 413 I spot a fragment of yellow crime scene tape on which I can see the word "sheriff's".
11:12 Explore a few yards of 413Q and an unnumbered road that runs uphill off it.
11:28 Been wanting to see mile markers. Finally spot the 3 mile marker flat on the ground. Turn around here.
11:47 Pass the crime scene road. Yuck.
11:52 Sat on stump to eat apple. Rain starts.
Think about bringing mountain bike and doing the Marie Creek Road loop starting at the Alder Creek intersection, taking Alder Creek Rd back to Wolf Lodge Rd to Marie Creek Rd and around to Alder Creek. Long ride, (and push) someday, maybe. (I used the bike off road once, on Trail #257, but never again. Much prefer to walk the trails, but the bike is good on the roads to get to trail heads.)
John 8:55 PM