Monday, August 18, 2003
On the way up 202 saw a chipmonk goofing around on some branches which protruded into the road. I stopped to watch him. He saw me and watched me. I rolled down the window, and was surprised the motion didn't make him run away. I started baby talking to him and he took a few spurty steps toward the car, keeping his body somewhat flat to the road, but his head up. He came out maybe 5 feet toward the car, paused, and then ran back to the safety of the branches.
Only out for an hour and a half Sunday August 17, 2003. Too hot and started too late, as usual. 11:30 am Parked up by the intersection of 202 and Searchlight RD. Brought mountain bike. Rolled past Erstwhile RD (my new name for the filled in road explored last week.) Took first possible right at the next Y. Will call this branch Two Stump Road. Lots of little speed troughs. 11:45 came to huge tank trap with a stump at each end of the cross berm. photo. Left bike and proceed on foot. Here's a pic from the other side at a distance. Shot some thistle, pic pic, and butterflies. Another butterfly pic. 12:06 Came to dead end of Two Stump RD pic. Shot pic of road on other side of valley, which road leads up to the western ridge trail of the Marie Creek Horse trail loop.
12:55 shot yellow flower and white berries. While shooting these watched an adult gray squirrel run along a skinned log at the base of the road bed. Heard some chirpping in the the brush where the adult had come from, then a juvenile squirrel came out on the log, stopped in the center, looked up at me for a moment, then ran back for cover. Soon he did a machine gun chirpping from the safety of the brush. While I was shooting the yellow flower and white berries and watching the squirrels I could hear a large animal cruching in the brush beyond where the squirrels came from. I could tell by the sound it was moving away from me, so felt no threat. 1:00 back at car.
Some everlasting somewhere on Two Stump Rd
John 11:29 PM